※こちらの商品は受注生産・WEB SHOP限定販売になります。 ※ご注文からお届けまで10〜14日ほどいただきます。 ※送料は無料です。 『COSMIC ARENA T-SHIRT』 BLACKが新登場! 1000sayデビュー15周年記念としてスタートしたイベントのキービジュアルをプリントした、COOLなTシャツです。 宇宙をテーマとしたデザインは、黒い背景で、よりスペーシーに! 1000say15周年のメモリアルアイテムとしても、普段使いとしても着こなして頂けること間違いなし! 洗濯時は、裏返してネットに入れてから洗ってください。商品のイメージと実物の色合いに差異がある場合があります。 ご購入前にサイズ表をご確認ください。 Hello. Thank you for visiting our shop. We are sorry, but this shop does not support overseas shipping. If you use the forwarding service, an overseas shipping professional will deliver the products. <Information on forwarding service> TENSO COM https://www.tenso.com/en TENSO JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en BAGGAGE FORWARD https://www.baggageforward.co.jp/en/ What is forwarding service? ・Purchaser must obtain a Japanese address by forwarding service ・Please use the acquired address to place an order ・We will deliver safely from the forwarding service warehouse to your destination. *The transfer fee will be borne by the purchaser. (The fee depends on the service) Thank you for your continued support for the “1000say SHOP”.
※こちらの商品は受注生産・WEB SHOP限定販売になります。 ※ご注文からお届けまで10〜14日ほどいただきます。 ※送料は無料です。 『COSMIC ARENA T-SHIRT』 WHITEが新登場! 1000sayデビュー15周年記念としてスタートしたイベントのキービジュアルをプリントした、オリジナルTシャツです。 宇宙をテーマとしたデザインで、白い背景に描かれた星雲があなたを包み込みます。 1000say15周年のメモリアルアイテムとしても、普段使いとしても着こなして頂けること間違いなし! 洗濯時は、裏返してネットに入れてから洗ってください。商品のイメージと実物の色合いに差異がある場合があります。 ご購入前にサイズ表をご確認ください。 Hello. Thank you for visiting our shop. We are sorry, but this shop does not support overseas shipping. If you use the forwarding service, an overseas shipping professional will deliver the products. <Information on forwarding service> TENSO COM https://www.tenso.com/en TENSO JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en BAGGAGE FORWARD https://www.baggageforward.co.jp/en/ What is forwarding service? ・Purchaser must obtain a Japanese address by forwarding service ・Please use the acquired address to place an order ・We will deliver safely from the forwarding service warehouse to your destination. *The transfer fee will be borne by the purchaser. (The fee depends on the service) Thank you for your continued support for the “1000say SHOP”.
※こちらの商品は受注生産・WEB SHOP限定販売になります。 ※ご注文からお届けまで10〜14日ほどいただきます。 ※送料は無料です。 『PALE BLUE dot T-SHIRT』 BLACKが新登場! 1000sayデビュー15周年記念としてスタートしたイベントのキービジュアルをプリントした、特別感あふれる一枚。 BLACKを背景に、濃淡のある淡いブルーが描かれたデザインは、インパクトもありつつ、COOLさを演出します。 洗濯時は、裏返してネットに入れてから洗ってください。商品のイメージと実物の色合いに差異がある場合があります。 ご購入前にサイズ表をご確認ください。 Hello. Thank you for visiting our shop. We are sorry, but this shop does not support overseas shipping. If you use the forwarding service, an overseas shipping professional will deliver the products. <Information on forwarding service> TENSO COM https://www.tenso.com/en TENSO JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en BAGGAGE FORWARD https://www.baggageforward.co.jp/en/ What is forwarding service? ・Purchaser must obtain a Japanese address by forwarding service ・Please use the acquired address to place an order ・We will deliver safely from the forwarding service warehouse to your destination. *The transfer fee will be borne by the purchaser. (The fee depends on the service) Thank you for your continued support for the “1000say SHOP”.
※こちらの商品は受注生産・WEB SHOP限定販売になります。 ※ご注文からお届けまで10〜14日ほどいただきます。 ※送料は無料です。 『PALE BLUE dot T-SHIRT』 WHITEが登場! 1000sayデビュー15周年記念としてスタートしたイベントのキービジュアルをプリントした、特別感あふれる一枚。 濃淡のある淡いブルーと、ホワイトカラーの組み合わせが爽やかな印象を与えます。 洗濯時は、裏返してネットに入れてから洗ってください。商品のイメージと実物の色合いに差異がある場合があります。 ご購入前にサイズ表をご確認ください。 Hello. Thank you for visiting our shop. We are sorry, but this shop does not support overseas shipping. If you use the forwarding service, an overseas shipping professional will deliver the products. <Information on forwarding service> TENSO COM https://www.tenso.com/en TENSO JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en BAGGAGE FORWARD https://www.baggageforward.co.jp/en/ What is forwarding service? ・Purchaser must obtain a Japanese address by forwarding service ・Please use the acquired address to place an order ・We will deliver safely from the forwarding service warehouse to your destination. *The transfer fee will be borne by the purchaser. (The fee depends on the service) Thank you for your continued support for the “1000say SHOP”.
シンプルなロゴの中に細かく宇宙空間を模したドットのBLACK。 現在進行形!の1000sayの想いを込めたT-SHIRT! APIデザイン。 参考 MAN:sizeL API:sizeM ※L、XLは完売いたしました。 Hello. Thank you for visiting our shop. We are sorry, but this shop does not support overseas shipping. If you use the forwarding service, an overseas shipping professional will deliver the products. <Information on forwarding service> TENSO COM https://www.tenso.com/en TENSO JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en BAGGAGE FORWARD https://www.baggageforward.co.jp/en/ What is forwarding service? ・Purchaser must obtain a Japanese address by forwarding service ・Please use the acquired address to place an order ・We will deliver safely from the forwarding service warehouse to your destination. *The transfer fee will be borne by the purchaser. (The fee depends on the service) Thank you for your continued support for the “1000say SHOP”.
モノクロ加工したフォトデザイン(アー写使用)のWHITE。 現在進行形!の1000sayの想いを込めたT-SHIRT! APIデザイン。 参考 MAN:sizeL API:sizeM ※L、XLは完売いたしました。 ※濃色処理の跡が残った状態の商品になります。 ご購入後にお洗濯をお願いいたします。(一度で解消されない場合、何度かのお洗濯によって処理跡は軽減されていきます。) またプリント部分の摩擦による剥がれや色落ちを防ぐため 手洗いか、裏返しにしてネットに入れてのお洗濯をお願いいたします。 漂白剤の使用・プリント部分の揉み洗いはお避け下さい。 Hello. Thank you for visiting our shop. We are sorry, but this shop does not support overseas shipping. If you use the forwarding service, an overseas shipping professional will deliver the products. <Information on forwarding service> TENSO COM https://www.tenso.com/en TENSO JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en BAGGAGE FORWARD https://www.baggageforward.co.jp/en/ What is forwarding service? ・Purchaser must obtain a Japanese address by forwarding service ・Please use the acquired address to place an order ・We will deliver safely from the forwarding service warehouse to your destination. *The transfer fee will be borne by the purchaser. (The fee depends on the service) Thank you for your continued support for the “1000say SHOP”.
『BABYLON × 10th anniversary T-SHIRT』
ジャケットアートワークをモチーフにしたクールなデザイン! 大きめに着るのがオススメです! (色はBLACKの一色です) 参考 MAN:sizeL API:sizeM Hello. Thank you for visiting our shop. We are sorry, but this shop does not support overseas shipping. If you use the forwarding service, an overseas shipping professional will deliver the products. <Information on forwarding service> TENSO COM https://www.tenso.com/en TENSO JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en BAGGAGE FORWARD https://www.baggageforward.co.jp/en/ What is forwarding service? ・Purchaser must obtain a Japanese address by forwarding service ・Please use the acquired address to place an order ・We will deliver safely from the forwarding service warehouse to your destination. *The transfer fee will be borne by the purchaser. (The fee depends on the service) Thank you for your continued support for the “1000say SHOP”.
『THE BASIC T-SHIRT_002』 (with CD-R)
文字色のグラデーションが素敵! デザインに合わせて、生地は薄め。ラフにもモードにも着こなしていただけます! リミックス音源 『SPECTRUM – GAKE NO UE NO Remix – 』 を収録したCD-R付き! (OTOTOYで配信しているリミックスとは別バージョンです) ※BLACK XXLは売切れました。 参考 API→ Sサイズ MAN → Mサイズ Hello. Thank you for visiting our shop. We are sorry, but this shop does not support overseas shipping. If you use the forwarding service, an overseas shipping professional will deliver the products. <Information on forwarding service> TENSO COM https://www.tenso.com/en TENSO JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en BAGGAGE FORWARD https://www.baggageforward.co.jp/en/ What is forwarding service? ・Purchaser must obtain a Japanese address by forwarding service ・Please use the acquired address to place an order ・We will deliver safely from the forwarding service warehouse to your destination. *The transfer fee will be borne by the purchaser. (The fee depends on the service) Thank you for your continued support for the “1000say SHOP”.
図形のシルバー部分はスペーシーなラメ入り! 1st mini album、STARGAZER ORCHESTRAに収録されているCANARYのRemixバージョンを数量限定で音源化した、未発表音源『CANARY – KAZE NO TANI Remix – 』を収録したCD-R付き。 残りわずか! ※サイズはXSのみとなります。 Hello. Thank you for visiting our shop. We are sorry, but this shop does not support overseas shipping. If you use the forwarding service, an overseas shipping professional will deliver the products. <Information on forwarding service> TENSO COM https://www.tenso.com/en TENSO JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en BAGGAGE FORWARD https://www.baggageforward.co.jp/en/ What is forwarding service? ・Purchaser must obtain a Japanese address by forwarding service ・Please use the acquired address to place an order ・We will deliver safely from the forwarding service warehouse to your destination. *The transfer fee will be borne by the purchaser. (The fee depends on the service) Thank you for your continued support for the “1000say SHOP”.
文字に12星座を散りばめた、繊細かつユニークなデザイン! XSとSのみになります。 参考 API:XS Hello. Thank you for visiting our shop. We are sorry, but this shop does not support overseas shipping. If you use the forwarding service, an overseas shipping professional will deliver the products. <Information on forwarding service> TENSO COM https://www.tenso.com/en TENSO JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en BAGGAGE FORWARD https://www.baggageforward.co.jp/en/ What is forwarding service? ・Purchaser must obtain a Japanese address by forwarding service ・Please use the acquired address to place an order ・We will deliver safely from the forwarding service warehouse to your destination. *The transfer fee will be borne by the purchaser. (The fee depends on the service) Thank you for your continued support for the “1000say SHOP”.
『HONEY & BEAR T-shirt 』
ファッションブランド・HONEYPHICKより、1000sayをモチーフに作られたオリジナルT-shirt。 未発表音源、1000say collaboration single 『1000say×Honeyphick』 付き。 残りわずか! ※サイズはSのみとなります。 ※PURPLEは売り切れました。 Hello. Thank you for visiting our shop. We are sorry, but this shop does not support overseas shipping. If you use the forwarding service, an overseas shipping professional will deliver the products. <Information on forwarding service> TENSO COM https://www.tenso.com/en TENSO JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en BAGGAGE FORWARD https://www.baggageforward.co.jp/en/ What is forwarding service? ・Purchaser must obtain a Japanese address by forwarding service ・Please use the acquired address to place an order ・We will deliver safely from the forwarding service warehouse to your destination. *The transfer fee will be borne by the purchaser. (The fee depends on the service) Thank you for your continued support for the “1000say SHOP”.
2nd mini album、MICROWAVE HEARTBEATのツアーT-shirt。 タグに1000sayのロゴ入り。 残りわずか! ※サイズはXSのみとなります。 Hello. Thank you for visiting our shop. We are sorry, but this shop does not support overseas shipping. If you use the forwarding service, an overseas shipping professional will deliver the products. <Information on forwarding service> TENSO COM https://www.tenso.com/en TENSO JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en BAGGAGE FORWARD https://www.baggageforward.co.jp/en/ What is forwarding service? ・Purchaser must obtain a Japanese address by forwarding service ・Please use the acquired address to place an order ・We will deliver safely from the forwarding service warehouse to your destination. *The transfer fee will be borne by the purchaser. (The fee depends on the service) Thank you for your continued support for the “1000say SHOP”.
1st mini album、STARGAZER ORCHESTRAのレアツアーT-shirt。 タグに1000sayのロゴ入り。 残りわずか! Hello. Thank you for visiting our shop. We are sorry, but this shop does not support overseas shipping. If you use the forwarding service, an overseas shipping professional will deliver the products. <Information on forwarding service> TENSO COM https://www.tenso.com/en TENSO JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en BAGGAGE FORWARD https://www.baggageforward.co.jp/en/ What is forwarding service? ・Purchaser must obtain a Japanese address by forwarding service ・Please use the acquired address to place an order ・We will deliver safely from the forwarding service warehouse to your destination. *The transfer fee will be borne by the purchaser. (The fee depends on the service) Thank you for your continued support for the “1000say SHOP”.
2st full album『BABYLON』
2015.10.07 Release ¥2500(tax in) IKCQ-1009 男女ツイン・ヴォーカルのエレクトロ・ロックバンド、1000sayのセカンド・フル・アルバム。 前作『APOLLON』から4年(2015年時)、フランスなどでの海外ツアーを経て、バンドのグルーヴはさらに強靭に固まり、散りばめられた電子音が、発展と荒廃を繰り返す近未来都市をイメージしたファンタジーを物語る。"JAPAN EXPO 2014"公式テーマ曲「EXPOSITION」は、新たにフランスのオーディエンス1500人の熱狂をサンプリングして収録。 1.THE GATEWAY TO BABYLON 2.DET-ROCK 3.SPECTRUM 4.FIFI 5.BORDERLINE 6.タイムマシン 7.MICHELLE AGAINST THE MACHINE 8.LET IT DIE… LET IT LIVE! 9.V. I. P. 10.THE ODYSSEY OF NOAH 11.流星DESTINY [STARLIGHT VERSION] 12.EXPOSITION (bonus track) Hello. Thank you for visiting our shop. We are sorry, but this shop does not support overseas shipping. If you use the forwarding service, an overseas shipping professional will deliver the products. <Information on forwarding service> TENSO COM https://www.tenso.com/en TENSO JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en BAGGAGE FORWARD https://www.baggageforward.co.jp/en/ What is forwarding service? ・Purchaser must obtain a Japanese address by forwarding service ・Please use the acquired address to place an order ・We will deliver safely from the forwarding service warehouse to your destination. *The transfer fee will be borne by the purchaser. (The fee depends on the service) Thank you for your continued support for the “1000say SHOP”.
1000say live-limited single『EXPOSITION』
2014.11.20 Release ¥500(tax in) ATSC-1002 約3年ぶりのCDリリース! ライブ会場限定シングルですが、1000say SHOPでも通販スタートしました! ヨーロッパ最大のジャパンカルチャーフェスティバル・JAPAN EXPOの15周年記念公式テーマソング ——— リフレインがココロを繋ぐ2014年・アンセム誕生。 本作品でしか聴けないスギモトトモユキ氏によるRemixを収録! 1.EXPOSITION 2.EXPOSITION – SCRAMBLE METRO remix - (音楽/映像クリエイター・スギモトトモユキ) ★『EXPOSITION』 歌詞カード配布(pdfファイル)!! A4サイズで印刷、カットして二つ折りにすれば、ちょうどCDケースに入ります! http://1000say.main.jp/download/EXPOSITION_lyric_card Hello. Thank you for visiting our shop. We are sorry, but this shop does not support overseas shipping. If you use the forwarding service, an overseas shipping professional will deliver the products. <Information on forwarding service> TENSO COM https://www.tenso.com/en TENSO JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en BAGGAGE FORWARD https://www.baggageforward.co.jp/en/ What is forwarding service? ・Purchaser must obtain a Japanese address by forwarding service ・Please use the acquired address to place an order ・We will deliver safely from the forwarding service warehouse to your destination. *The transfer fee will be borne by the purchaser. (The fee depends on the service) Thank you for your continued support for the “1000say SHOP”.
『live dvd NONZOの逆襲』
再販決定!! ¥3000(tax in) ATSV-1002 2013年11月~12月にかけて開催された -1000say 5th anniversary-東名阪ワンマンツアー 『NONZOの逆襲』のlive dvd。 過去に受注生産限定で販売していたdvd。 ・メンバーの手により、制作・監修された、 3公演のダイジェストムービー ・特典映像あり ・インタビューあり 『感動を再び!!5年分の感謝の想いを込めてお届けします!』 Hello. Thank you for visiting our shop. We are sorry, but this shop does not support overseas shipping. If you use the forwarding service, an overseas shipping professional will deliver the products. <Information on forwarding service> TENSO COM https://www.tenso.com/en TENSO JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en BAGGAGE FORWARD https://www.baggageforward.co.jp/en/ What is forwarding service? ・Purchaser must obtain a Japanese address by forwarding service ・Please use the acquired address to place an order ・We will deliver safely from the forwarding service warehouse to your destination. *The transfer fee will be borne by the purchaser. (The fee depends on the service) Thank you for your continued support for the “1000say SHOP”.
『live dvd サイコの晩餐』
2012.09.26 Release ¥2500(tax in) ATSV-1001 2012年3月4日に開催された、渋谷CLUB QUATTROワンマン公演を映像作品化。 全曲ノーカット!バックステージの模様やメンバーコメントなどの特典映像付き。 メンバーの手により制作・監修された、究極のインディーズムービー! ライブ会場、1000say SHOPにて限定発売。 『編集中も感動が甦って、泣いた!』 『笑っちゃうほど画質、音質が粗い……けど泣けます!』 Hello. Thank you for visiting our shop. We are sorry, but this shop does not support overseas shipping. If you use the forwarding service, an overseas shipping professional will deliver the products. <Information on forwarding service> TENSO COM https://www.tenso.com/en TENSO JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en BAGGAGE FORWARD https://www.baggageforward.co.jp/en/ What is forwarding service? ・Purchaser must obtain a Japanese address by forwarding service ・Please use the acquired address to place an order ・We will deliver safely from the forwarding service warehouse to your destination. *The transfer fee will be borne by the purchaser. (The fee depends on the service) Thank you for your continued support for the “1000say SHOP”.
1st full album『APOLLON』
2011.10.12 Release ¥2300(tax in) IKCQ-1007 初のセルフプロデュース作品。 アルバムタイトルはギリシャ神話における音楽と太陽の神・アポロンから。12星座西洋占星術をイメージして作られた全12曲が収められる。 アートワークはDE DE MOUSEのアルバム「tide of stars」などで一躍注目を集めた河野未彩が制作している。 1.WONDER 2.BRAND NEW WORLD 3.PHANTOMAGIC 4.BASKET SHOES 5.HANE 6.LOVE ABC 7.RIDIN’ ON STARS 8.GAIA 9.サジタリウス 10.BABY UNIVERSE 11.KAZE 12.PRIZM Hello. Thank you for visiting our shop. We are sorry, but this shop does not support overseas shipping. If you use the forwarding service, an overseas shipping professional will deliver the products. <Information on forwarding service> TENSO COM https://www.tenso.com/en TENSO JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en BAGGAGE FORWARD https://www.baggageforward.co.jp/en/ What is forwarding service? ・Purchaser must obtain a Japanese address by forwarding service ・Please use the acquired address to place an order ・We will deliver safely from the forwarding service warehouse to your destination. *The transfer fee will be borne by the purchaser. (The fee depends on the service) Thank you for your continued support for the “1000say SHOP”.
ミニアルバム3部作の完結編にして最高傑作となる今作は、1000sayのライブを象徴するな、アグレッシブでエッジの効いたロックアルバム。 電撃のような感情の衝動が、増幅されたサウンドにのせて閃光のように突き刺さる! Hello. Thank you for visiting our shop. We are sorry, but this shop does not support overseas shipping. If you use the forwarding service, an overseas shipping professional will deliver the products. <Information on forwarding service> TENSO COM https://www.tenso.com/en TENSO JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en BAGGAGE FORWARD https://www.baggageforward.co.jp/en/ What is forwarding service? ・Purchaser must obtain a Japanese address by forwarding service ・Please use the acquired address to place an order ・We will deliver safely from the forwarding service warehouse to your destination. *The transfer fee will be borne by the purchaser. (The fee depends on the service) Thank you for your continued support for the “1000say SHOP”.
2008.07.09 Release ¥1500(tax in) PNTR-1000 インディーズデビュー作「STARGAZER ORCHESTRA」は「天文学者の管弦楽団」という意のタイトルからも分かるように、夜空・星空・宇宙という広大な空間へ向けて放つキラキラした音像をバンドアンサンブルで表現。 バンドのコンセプトである「次世代ファンタジー」の入り口となる作品。 1.ONE STORY 2.PLANET 3.CANARY 4.MAGMA ATTACK 5.PLUTO[134340] 6.WARM HEART Hello. Thank you for visiting our shop. We are sorry, but this shop does not support overseas shipping. If you use the forwarding service, an overseas shipping professional will deliver the products. <Information on forwarding service> TENSO COM https://www.tenso.com/en TENSO JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en BAGGAGE FORWARD https://www.baggageforward.co.jp/en/ What is forwarding service? ・Purchaser must obtain a Japanese address by forwarding service ・Please use the acquired address to place an order ・We will deliver safely from the forwarding service warehouse to your destination. *The transfer fee will be borne by the purchaser. (The fee depends on the service) Thank you for your continued support for the “1000say SHOP”.
1000say初のカラフルでオシャレなシリコンラバーバンド。4色、用意しました。 その名もLOVER’S RUBBER BAND! カラフルな拳を振り上げろっ! Hello. Thank you for visiting our shop. We are sorry, but this shop does not support overseas shipping. If you use the forwarding service, an overseas shipping professional will deliver the products. <Information on forwarding service> TENSO COM https://www.tenso.com/en TENSO JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en BAGGAGE FORWARD https://www.baggageforward.co.jp/en/ What is forwarding service? ・Purchaser must obtain a Japanese address by forwarding service ・Please use the acquired address to place an order ・We will deliver safely from the forwarding service warehouse to your destination. *The transfer fee will be borne by the purchaser. (The fee depends on the service) Thank you for your continued support for the “1000say SHOP”.
1000sayメンバーデザインのBADGE。 お気に入りのデザインを見つけてください♪ Hello. Thank you for visiting our shop. We are sorry, but this shop does not support overseas shipping. If you use the forwarding service, an overseas shipping professional will deliver the products. <Information on forwarding service> TENSO COM https://www.tenso.com/en TENSO JAPAN https://www.tensojapan.com/en BAGGAGE FORWARD https://www.baggageforward.co.jp/en/ What is forwarding service? ・Purchaser must obtain a Japanese address by forwarding service ・Please use the acquired address to place an order ・We will deliver safely from the forwarding service warehouse to your destination. *The transfer fee will be borne by the purchaser. (The fee depends on the service) Thank you for your continued support for the “1000say SHOP”.